Rawburn Black Bush S420
Beef Impact
Sire: Bushs Strut 756
Dam: DBRL Blackbird 2N
MGS: Coldstream Blackburn 10L
Ear Tag: UK562106 102420
AI Code: AA1562

• Black bush is a consistent producer of calf quality with an MVI of £30.40
• Calves show outstanding quality and thickness from birth with a 95% CBI calf quality score
• His outstanding combination of calving ease and market topping progeny makes this sire appeal to both Dairy producers and Beef finishers
Semen Royalty Sire
Calving difficulty (%) 2.3
Gestation length 282
Calf Vigour 1.3
Birth weight (kgs) 4.5
Calf quality (%) 96
Coat colour —
Production summary
- Terminal Index +56 (Breed Avg +31)
- Self Replacing Index +70 (Breed Avg +40)
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