December 2024 Proof Update - Holstein

Winter 2024 Proof Update - Holstein

The December proof run has once again highlighted Cogent as the go-to source for productive and balanced genetics. With bulls leading in production, longevity, and profitability, we are proud to offer a diverse portfolio tailored to meet the needs of progressive breeders.

Key Highlights

Tarroo (TPI+ 3267): Taking the top spot for TPI+ in the catalogue, Tarroo is an exciting new addition to Cogent's line-up, combining high production potential with balanced type traits and superior health and management scores. With +1,781 lbs milk and +160 lbs fat, complemented with a positive Cow Conception Rate, and impressive type scores, including +2.44 Rear Udder Height and +1.35 Thurl Width. He embodies balanced productivity, profitability, and longevity.

High Contrast (TPI+ 3079): A new standout, High Contrast excels with balanced linear traits and outstanding production, delivering over 1,942lbs milk and 214lbs solids. He’s an excellent choice for breeders seeking high-yielding, balanced, and consistent genetics.

High Pace (TPI+ 3163): Representing the vision of profit-driven farming, High Pace combines exceptional production with sustainability, positioning him as a leader for future-focused herds. High Pace combines 213lbs of solids, with positive DPR and 1.5 CCR, and strong health and management scores contributing to his Eco$1340. With +1.97 Rear Udder Height and +1.37 Rear Udder Width, he is ideal for productivity and conformation.

Proven Bull Success Stories

Chase (TPI+2890): Now with 110 daughters, Chase’s first proven proof confirms his status as a consistent and reliable producer. His daughters excel in productivity and longevity, making him a trusted choice for herd advancement.

Robin Red: Continuing his dominance, Robin Red holds the #1 Proven LPI Red & White spot in Canada (+3532 LPI) and strong rankings in Switzerland (ISET +1430) and Germany (RZG 145). A proven performer for Red & White enthusiasts worldwide.

Augustus P Red (TPI+2650): With 858 daughters across 451 herds, Augustus P Red is a standout performer in the Red & White category. Polled and offering balanced production traits (+574 lbs milk, +37 lbs protein, and +25 lbs fat), he combines excellent conformation (+1.42 PTAT) with impressive udder and feet and leg scores, making him a reliable choice for breeders seeking productive and functional Red & White genetics. Augustus P Red is also number 2 Red and White in the Netherlands.

Exciting Newcomers

Reverence (TPI+3221): A top performer delivering +1,360 lbs milk, +157 lbs fat, and excellent type traits (+1.11 PTAT). Reverence excels with superior udders (+2.31 Rear Udder Width) and strong health traits, offering a complete package for sustainable herds.

Outbound (TPI+3078): A standout sire combining high EcoFeed and RCI traits, Outbound delivers exceptional performance with 0.34% fat and 0.11% protein. He is the product of a 2-year-old Zazzle VG86, ensuring both functionality and productivity. With no Captain in his pedigree and as a full brother to Outpace, Outbound presents an excellent outcross opportunity.

Rounding out this exciting group are other bulls like Hype-P, Outpace, and Hydro, who bring exceptional production, impressive udder conformation, and strong health traits to the table. Whether your focus is on balanced type, polled genetics, or robust production capabilities, Cogent’s latest genomic sires deliver tailored solutions to meet the evolving demands of progressive herds.

The Cogent Difference is about more than just bulls – it’s about driving your herd’s potential through tailored solutions and sustainable genetic progress. Let us help you achieve the future you envision.

View the new catalogue here!

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